You Should Know Everything About


If you are not new to the world of the internet, you must be aware of web hosting services. Even if you don’t know about it, let us give you a quick introduction before we jump in to explain the fundamentals. Apart from helping you understand these services, we would also talk about

What is web hosting all about?

This is the service that enables you to publish the data/file of your website online. Doing this makes your website available online. Once you have done it, anyone with a stable internet connection and a compatible device can access your website. All of it is possible because of the service you are getting from the hosting service provider. There are ways to do it on your own right at your home but you won’t get enough benefits in that case as you would get from a web hosting service provider.

How do the hosting services work?

You might ask about the way hosting services work. That is a fairly simple process. There is a fairly simple process. The companies of this category have the infrastructure for providing you the hosting services. If you are the one who wants to host his/her website, all need to do is lock a domain name (a unique name to represent your website on the internet) and then choose the correct plan. Your website will be readily available on the internet after it.

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There are a lot of things to care about when you are hosting your website on the internet. First, you have to keep your website running. Even if your website is down for a few moments, it could harm your reputation online. If you are able to do that, taking care of the security of your website is another important factor. Getting all these things done by yourself seems quite a complicated task. That is one of the most important reasons why people prefer website hosting services other than doing it. When you rely on a trusted service provider, in this case, you would get all these facilities by just paying money. There is nothing else to be done from your side.

Which hosting type should you go for?

Different types of hosting services are available from web hosts. You could choose one based on your demands and requirements. Choosing the right one is solely dependent on your website. And each type of hosting service varies in terms of price as well. Though there are several types but VPS, shared, and dedicated servers are used most commonly on the internet. Let us talk a bit about them and see why VPS works the best in the majority of cases.

Shared hosting

In this type of web hosting, the service provider hosts several websites on the same server. Since many websites share the same server space, the cost for each one is divided and that makes this type of hosting very affordable. Those who are new to this field and have started blogging or brought their website online recently, may opt for it.

Dedicated web hosting

This is the top-end web hosting service where you lease the physical web hosting server that is available in the facility of your service provider. Since it is desirable for an enterprise-level website with huge traffic on a daily basis, there is a dedicated team of experts for professional support all the time.


VPS is an abbreviated form of a virtual private server. It works more like the shared hosting services but there is a major difference between these two. VPS consists of several parts called tenants. Each tenant has a partition that separates it from other tenants. Specific resources are readily available for every tenant. When you opt for this one, you would get one tenant for your website that would not be shared with any other website.

This is the most favorable option these days because of various reasons. When you get a partition dedicated for your website, it works more like dedicated hosting. You have full authority to customize your partition in the way you prefer. A wide array of customization options are possible with this one.

Why should you choose Blue VPS?

Well, there are several reasons why you should opt for First, they are able to provide you with an instant setup for VPS. Since they make use of KVM virtualization, you would be guaranteed to get 100% dedicated resources for your VPS. Apart from that, they also provide VNC (virtual network computing) access to every VPS they offer. Blue VPS offers Windows/Linux-based VPSs that have adequate control panels.

In case you face some difficulties while using their hosting services, they have a nice and responsive customer support service that is available 24/7. They make sure every aspect of the service is delivered to their dedicated clients, opting for them is the right idea.

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