WoW Classic’s Best Endgame Activities

WoW Classic gold

Once you reach level 60, there is still plenty to be done when playing the Classic version of the game.

For those of you who have reached level 60, first of all, let me say congratulations. It has more than likely been a long journey, and you want to reap the rewards by taking part in some endgame content. If that’s the case, then you’re in the right place. If you want to carry on earning WoW Classic gold and having adventures, then here’s what you can do.

The majority of activities in the endgame involve questing and raiding. Before you do, you will want to get the best gear that you can find. It doesn’t have to be best in slot for every category, but you should still consider making sure that it is viable enough for you to use.

Raid Attunements

You are more than likely planning on raiding, so you will need to complete three attunements to do so. These are Blackwing Lair, Moton Core, and Onyxia. If you want to do Naxxirum, then you will need to be honored with the Argent Dawn if you are to do so.

Organizing Flight Paths

Being able to move around the world as seamlessly as possible is something that you should be looking into. Since travelling plays such a big role in general, you will find that having flight paths will really help you in the endgame. You may have in fact done this already, since its probably something that you have been working on since getting to around level 40. If not, then definitely look into doing it now.

Increasing Reputations

Now that you’re in the endgame, you should also look into increasing certain reputations. This will give you access to gear, consumables, enchantments and more that can be very helpful at this stage. As mentioned, you need to be honored by Ardent Dawn to get into the last WoW Classic raid known as Naxxiramus. Other reputations that you should focus on included the Centauriun Circle, the Brood of Nozdormu, Thorium Brotherhood, Timbermaw Hold and Zanzilan Tribe.

To garner reputations with these, you will need to be taking part in a variety of activities, ranging from quests, raids, dungeons and grinding particular enemies.


Finishing questlines will also be a priority of yours if you are to get the most out of the endgame. If you want to get some neat perks or gear, then this is the way to do it. Not just for item gain, however, as you will also be enjoying the story that you are engaging with if you like to follow the lore. You can also expect epics from certain class quests as well. Some will even offer additional WoW Classic gold too. So if you want to find some great items to put in your WoW Classic bags and make some gold, this is the way to do it.


Of course, raiding was going to show up on this list. This is what it’s all about for many players, since there is plenty of benefits from getting stuck into raids. You will come across five 40-man raids, and the 20-man raids that are also available. You are going to be able to get your hands on plenty of loot as well as to be expected. Every class has its own individual role to play when raiding, and the items that you find here will help your class too. So if you have made the long and winding journey to level 60, you should find yourself a raiding guild and enjoy what is arguably one of the best features in the entire game.


If you are going to get the full experience of WoW Classic, then you need to engage in some PvP here and there. There are a variety of communities dedicated to Player vs. Player combat, though you will need to have a high skill cap if you are to be successful. Once you are past level 50 or so, PvP can be great fun to engage with. It offers you a high level of challenge, and it can also provide an alternative to those who do not want to focus on raids and such. You can also use it to get some decent gear if you wish.

Final Words

These are all great activities to take part in when playing WoW Classic. Some of the endgame content is what is truly synonymous with the franchise after all. So, if you are looking to earn more WoW Classic gold and explore new content even at these later stages, then you shouldn’t have any issues here. There is something for everyone, whether you want to challenge players themselves, or team up with others to take on some mighty raids.

Have you tried any of these WoW Classic endgame activities? Let us know in the comments section below!

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