Old School RuneScape – How to Get Started

Twisted Bow

If you’re new to OSRS, here’s everything that you need to know to get started in the game.

Old School Runescape is something that has been attracting old fans and new as a popular MMORPG for several years. There is a lot to get involved with even at the early stages, but before you get started looking into earning OSRS gold or what you need to do to wield a Twisted Bow, you should focus on some early game tasks.

Starting Out

After you have created your account and decided on what you want your character to look like you will then be heading to Tutorial Island.

Here you will find a bunch of tutors that can help you get underway with the game. This ranges from gameplay, combat, skills and how interfaces work. You will also get a set of survival equipment along the way. Afterward, you’ll be sent over to Lumbridge, where you can ask any further questions you might have to the tutors there. You will also be able to check out the Ironman mode, though you should avoid this as a new player.

When the opportunity arises, you should make a bank pin to help protect your items. This way, you will not have to worry about your collected items in case your account gets hacked into. You can do this by going to the top of Lumbridge Castle and selecting the PIN settings when talking to the bank teller to get it done.

Working on Skills

A vital part of starting out in Old School Runescape is working with your skills. If you have a free account, then you have 15 skills to work with. You can take a look at your skills by highlighting them to see how many experiences points you need to get that skill to the next level. You can then click on it to find out more about that skill.

We are going to be looking at our first dungeon next, which you can find in the Barbarian Village to the west of Varrock. Here you’ll find the Stronghold of Security, which is made up of four floors. There will be a range of enemies for you to take on here, so you can put your combat skills to the test.

In this instance, everything you do will be put to the test in terms of what you have learned so far. Each level has a reward room too, where you can get a one-off prize of 10,000 OSRS gold coins and a new to emote to try out. There’s also either combat boots or fancy boots for you to choose from.

If you feel like you’re comfortable enough with your combat, then you can go to the fields to the east over the River Lum where you will find goblins. Practice your ranged attacks, your melee, or your magic combat to help you get to grips with an important part of the game.


Questing is also a huge part of OSRS. It can be used to get some neat rewards, earn OSRS gp and take in a story here and there. They are also very effective for earning experience, and there are some good places for you to get started. For example, you can introduce yourself to Crafting skills with the Sheep Shearer quest. If you do want to start this, then go to Lumbridge Castel and speak with Fred the Farmer on the farm to the northwest.

You are going to want to unlock Runecrafting as well, so Rune Mysteries is an important quest for you to start. This can be started by going to the second floor of Lumbridge Castle, and you can speak to Duke Horacio.

If you do struggle with your quests, then don’t panic. Go on your journal and click on the name of the quest which you’ll find in the Quest Log. What this will do is give you an insight into what you have done in that particular quest so far, and will give you an idea of what you need to do as a next step. You will also be able to tell what level requirements need to be met with every quest and whether there are high-level enemies to contend with throughout.

Final Words

These are the very basic first steps for you to do when you first start playing the game. There is so much content for you to look forward to, but it’s important that you get the fundamentals down first. Before you start worrying about having to buy OSRS gold or maxing out skills, just take the time to get the basics down before you look for OSRS gold for sale or anything like that. As a new player, you have a lot to look forward to when playing Old School Runescape, so do not hesitate in getting started with your adventure. Have you recently started playing OSRS? Let us know in the comments section below

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