5 easy ways to be popular through Twitter

5 easy ways to be popular through Twitter

Are you looking for new ways to compose more creative tweets? Want to spark heated conversations with your followers? Finding new ideas isn’t always easy, so here are 5 ways to engage those who follow you on Twitter more and also draw more attention towards your page.

1 – Questions

Tweet direct questions to be answered easily. You will notice an immediate leap in your engagement. The shorter and simpler your questions are, the more likely your followers are to answer and this will help you to buy twitter likes. Stimulate users’ creativity by asking them to fill in an empty space or by letting them choose between two alternatives. You vote for option A by preferring the tweet to B by retweeting it. Tea or coffee? Meat or fish? Either way you will get new interactions.

2 – Product photos

Posting tweets featuring your products is certainly a good idea, but don’t overdo it. The best way to do this is to avoid posting trivial photos of your products. Instead, try to think about how to include it in different scenarios: your product in everyday life, how it is used by customers, what is its purpose, etc .Use the opportunity to be creative and to show your product from a different perspective. Simply put, be human. Your profile doesn’t have to look like a supermarket shelf.

3 – Video

People often forget that you can also share videos on Twitter. Videos can be played without leaving the platform, which is a big incentive to click play. These are a great way to share your ideas or short tutorials, as well as launch new products.

4 – Congratulations and testimonials

Re tweeting posts where customers compliment you is proof of the quality of the product you offer. These customers are real testimonials who help build trust in the brand and eliminate the doubt in those who are not yet sure they choose you. Also, by retweeting or favoriting these tweets, you will show that you are attentive to your customers and that you appreciate their compliments and contributions.

5 – News

Twitter is now one of the major information platforms. Not only that, more and more users rely first of all on Twitter to keep up to date on news and trends. There is no algorithm that gives more visibility to some users than others, so the fastest wins. The conclusions are up to you. If you have an opinion on a trending topic, or news related to your sector, do not hesitate to share it with users. You will for sure to find someone of the same mind as you and create conversations that will lead to strong bonds with your followers.

Latest tips

Each of your tweets must fall into one of these three categories:

  • Personal
  • Promotional
  • Report

Personal tweets are about your business directly, promotional tweets are about your products or services, while relationship tweets help you build a direct relationship with your fans. No matter what kind of tweets you create, you can always buy twitter likes through companies like SocialGreg who are committed towards growing their client’s account. Hence, growing on Twitter is simple if you just pay attention to these small things.

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