8 Signs Your Business Site Needs Better Security

The Scarlett Group's IT services

Did you know that the average cyberattack costs businesses of any size a whopping $200,000 on average?

With a little under half of all online attacks aimed at small businesses these days, it’s safe to say that this threat is very real. Unfortunately, most businesses can’t afford the financial repercussions of a hacking event, not to mention the damage to their reputation. It’s little wonder that many small businesses that fall prey to a cyberattack end up shutting their doors shortly after.

Of course, if you’re concerned about your site security, it’s worth noting that there are a few key signs that you should take a second look at your digital defense. Check out the simple red flags below to decide whether or not it’s time to partner with an expert to strengthen your website’s protection.

1. Your Industry Is a Target for Hackers

It’s unfortunate but true: businesses in some industries are more at risk for hacking than others. This is especially true of organizations that deal in healthcare, finance, or education. If you’ve heard news of recent cyberattacks in your industry, business cybersecurity consulting should be your next step.

Essentially, if a cyberattacker thinks you might have sensitive data—including proprietary information, personal info, or financial data—you’ll need to be wary.

Of course, it’s also worth noting that hackers also target small businesses that don’t have the resources to invest in cybersecurity. In other words, being outside of the key industries of focus for cyberattackers won’t make you safe!

2. You’re Worried About Compliance

Depending on the industry you work in, maintaining compliance can be difficult. Worse, the cost of being found in a state of non-compliance can land you in hot water, even if a cyberattack is to blame. Choosing to partner with a cybersecurity firm can help you ensure that your security meets all standards and requirements.

3. You’ve Had to Deal With Past Cyberattacks

If you’ve already had to face a cyber threat before—even if it’s a threat you’ve overcome—you may want to invest in more protection. Understanding what went wrong, who was responsible, and what additional training and measures are necessary can help. This, of course, isn’t always easy to unravel on your own, which is where a website cybersecurity firm can come in.

4. You and Your Team Lack Time or Expertise

If you lack expertise in the field of digital website security, you can’t assume your data is safe. Not knowing the ins and outs of this niche field can prevent you from making the strategic moves you’ll need to make to stay ahead of hackers.

Worse, even if you do plan to learn the ins and outs of cybersecurity for your site, you’ll have to keep in mind that the chore is never-ending. Keeping up with the latest releases, updates, tools, and best practices can take valuable time out of your day, leaving you less equipped to focus on your big-picture business strategy. Instead, opting for assistance like The Scarlett Group’s IT services can leave you in a better position to maintain and monitor your website and IT infrastructure.

5. You’re Noticing Unusual Requests on Your Site

If you’ve noticed unusual requests on your website, it’s probably not a good sign. In some cases, these requests can be a red flag that a cyberattacker is trying to access your company’s sensitive data. A large number of requests can even suggest that the attacker is using a trial-and-error method to worm their way through your defenses.

Having a team of experts at your back can ensure that you have a watchful eye on your networks at all times.

6. You’re Expanding Your Website

Simpler websites can be easier to maintain, update, and keep track of, even for less experienced users. However, more complex sites can present a host of challenges, especially as you add complicated widgets, apps, and technical upgrades.

A planned website expansion may be a sign of growth for your company, but it’s also a moment of vulnerability. After all, your current team will be spreading yourselves thin as you work on the update, familiarize yourself with the new systems, and work to set your site up properly. If you leave any vulnerabilities open during this work, you may break down your digital defenses.

7. You or Your Customers Have Been Phished

It’s true that phishing is often a one-off threat, but in some cases, it may signal a larger upcoming attack. If your employees or customers have gotten phishing messages, it’s crucial to protect your website security with the right firewalls, malware detection tools, and data theft responses.

8. You Don’t Have a Plan

Even if you think you do have enough cybersecurity measures in place, you may not have a plan for what to do should those systems fail.

It’s worth remembering that no business cybersecurity protection is 100% invulnerable—which is why it pays to be a step ahead. The right cybersecurity team will not only help you with proactive protection; they’ll also help you create a backup response in case of a crisis.

Get More Out of Your Site Security

It’s safe to say that small companies that don’t think through their site security plan may find themselves without a business to defend! Maintaining your website and protecting it from would-be hackers can help you ensure that your business survives and thrives for years to come. Make sure to reach out to a trusted cybersecurity firm for help upgrading your site.

Looking for more of the tech tips your small business needs? Be sure to take a look at our other content for cybersecurity guides, tech trends, business insights, and more.

Also Read: Business Owners: Here Are 7 Reasons You Need to Switch to Cloud Security

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