The Casa Do Albergado De Manaus

casa do albergado de manaus ( 04.312.401/0004-80 casa do albergado de manaus


The Casa do Albergado de Manaus is a social rehabilitation institution in Brazil that serves inmates who have completed their sentences but do not have a place to stay. It operates as a halfway house and provides inmates with accommodation, job training, and healthcare.

It is an essential part of the Brazilian penal system and can play a critical role in helping inmates reintegrate into society and lead productive lives. However, the institution faces several challenges and needs continued funding and support in order to fulfill its mission.

The Casa do Albergado is located in the city of Manaus in Amazonas state. Read more about : casa do albergado de manaus ( 04.312.401/0004-80 casa do albergado de manaus.


O diretor da CAM, Lazaro Campelo, explicou que os serviços atendimentos e horarios esto suspensos para o publico externo durante a pandemica do coronavirus. Mas os internos que recebem ajuda do Casa do Albergado continuam a ser atendidos diariamente. O teleatendimento também vai auxiliar a atenço dos doentes.

O secretário do Seap, Paulo Cesar Gomes, entrou na CAM com o juz Ana Paula Braga e os ajudantes do falimento, os advogados e os familiares dos albergados. Eles estudaram as estruturas de predios obrigados e semiabertos na unidade.

Elas disseram que, desde julho a junho, o total dos albergados que ajudam de falimento em CAM duplicou. Hoje, o total dos internos ajudados na unidade Ă© de 4.280.

The Casa do Albergado de Manaus is a non-profit organization that provides housing and other services to former inmates in Brazil. Its mission is to help these individuals reintegrate into society and lead productive lives.

The Casa operates as a halfway house, and its services include housing, job training, and education. It also offers assistance with health care and legal issues. Its work is essential to the Brazilian penal system.

The Lei de Execucao Penal states that every region should have at least one Casa do Albergado. The Casa is a crucial part of the social rehabilitation of inmates in Brazil, and it is imperative that it continues to receive support and funding.


The Brazilian prison system has been criticized for its overcrowding, violence, and lack of rehabilitation. The Casa do Albergado de Manaus is a non-profit organization that helps former inmates reintegrate into society by providing them with housing, job training, and education.

The organization was founded in 1994 by a group of concerned citizens who recognized the need for social rehabilitation for inmates. The group initially started with just a few beds in a rented house, but has since grown to a large facility that houses up to 200 inmates at any given time.

The Casa do Albergado de manaus provides temporary housing for inmates who have finished their sentences but don’t have anywhere to go. The organization operates as a halfway house, which is an alternative to traditional prisons.

Its goal is to help inmates reintegrate into society and lead productive lives. This is accomplished by providing them with a safe and supportive environment, as well as access to healthcare, educational opportunities, and job training.

Inmates who stay at the Casa do Albergado are required to abide by strict rules and regulations while living there. They must attend classes and job training sessions, maintain a clean living space, and obey curfews. Read more about : casa do albergado de manaus ( 04.312.401/0004-80 casa do albergado de manaus.

They are also required to take part in recreational activities and attend counseling sessions. The organization has partnerships with local businesses and organizations to provide inmates with employment opportunities.

The Casa do Albergado is governed by the Lei de Execucao Penal, which stipulates that inmates have the following rights: adequate nutrition and clothing; access to education and job training; visitation of spouses, partners, children, parents, and friends on certain days; and an individualized plan for rehabilitation.

In addition, the institution provides inmates with a variety of other services, including healthcare, financial assistance, and family counseling. These initiatives have helped the facility increase its success rate in reintegrating inmates into society. However, the Casa do Albergado still has a long way to go before it can fully fulfill its mission of social rehabilitation.


A casa do albergado de manaus is a housing facility for recently released prisoners. It is a place where they can learn to live in a safe and clean environment, and it also provides access to educational and job training programs.

Inmates are required to follow strict rules, including attending classes and training sessions, maintaining a clean living space, and adhering to a curfew. These rules are designed to help them develop the skills they need to succeed in life after prison.

The facility is located in the bairro Cachoeirinha, Avenida Codajas, in Manaus, Brazil. It consists of six rooms and is equipped with basic amenities such as beds and desks. It is staffed by experienced and trained staff.

The facility is available to female offenders, and it is free for convicted women who have served more than six months of their sentence. Read more about : casa do albergado de manaus ( 04.312.401/0004-80 casa do albergado de manaus.

O Secretaria de Estado Penitenciaria do Amazonas (Seap) apercebeu que a casa do albergado tem a estrutura apropriada para ajudar as mulheres que cumpriram pena em regime aberto e semiaberto. A juiza Ana Paula Braga e os juiz Glen Paulain visitaram a casa do albergado, com o Secretario de Seap, Paulo Cesar Gomes.

Seap apercebeu que a Casa do Albergado de Manaus (CAM) ajudou a cerca de 20 mulheres a resembarcar na estrutura. A juiz de Mato Grosso estima que mais de 40 resentes doentes tinham que cumprir pena em regime aberto antes de virar para o CAM.

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