5 Creative DIY Docking Solutions for Tablets

cord control

It seems like almost every household has at least one, if not multiple, tablets or other mobile devices in their home. With all of these portable electronics, charging and other connective cords can pile up like nobody’s business. Thanks to this, we’re always looking for cord control and docking solutions to eliminate the tangles of cables.

While we often default to charging an iPad or tablet on the nightstand, we should opt for more secure device lodgings than that. With that in mind, here are five creative DIY docking solutions to ensure your devices are kept safe and secure while they charge.

1. Wall-Mounted Docking Solutions

Wall-mounted docking solutions are by far the most elegant of the lot, especially if you can spring for an in wall iPad dock. While you can DIY a wall-mounted docking station with an old woven basket, you’ll likely have to purchase an in-wall tablet docking accessory, which can get pricey.

2. Turn Junk Drawer Into a Charging Station

Do you have a drawer that you never seem to use? You can easily turn it into a new charging station with a wooden drawer organizer, a drill, an electrical strip, and some elbow grease. It’s simple, it’s out of the way, and it makes use of a drawer that otherwise would collect junk and dust.

3. Picture This: A Framed Docking Station

Another simple solution for charging an iPad that looks elegant is turning a large or old picture frame into a simple docking station. All you need for this is an old picture frame, a hot glue gun, a strong piece of cardboard backing, and some old pieces of wood trim to create lips on which the devices can rest.

Even better- you can use it as a tablet holder, which makes it perfect for looking up recipes in the kitchen.

4. Letter Trays Organize and Dock Your Devices

Do you have separate phones and tablets for every member of your family? Is it hard to keep track of which tablet belongs to which person? Letter trays offer a simple and elegant solution for docking an iPad and letting people keep track of their electronics. Just paint and label each slot with the appropriate name.

5. Old Magazine Rack=New Tablet Docking Accessory

Do you have an old magazine rack lying around that you don’t use anymore? Never fear: magazine racks turned sideways make exceptional docking solutions. If you have a wire-based magazine rack, so much the better! You can use the openings within the rack to wind and control the charging cables.

These magazine racks are the perfect size for most iPads and tablets, even if you have them in thick cases! It’s a simple and elegant fix that uses something you already have lying about.

Looking for More Creative Device Docking Solutions?

Did you find this list of five creative tablet docking solutions helpful? Would you like to read more articles for DIY solutions to tech problems? Then, don’t hesitate to check out our blog each day for more articles like this one!

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